Virginia State University
Virginia State University, founded in 1882, is one of Virginia's two land-grant institutions, and is located 20 minutes south of Richmond in the village of Ettrick.
General Information
1 Hayden Dr., Virginia State University, VA 23806
P: (804) 804 524-5654
W: http://www.vsu.edu/
W: http://www.vsu.edu/
Dr. Donald E. Palm, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs
(804) 804 524-5654
About Virginia State University
With a current student population of approximately 4,600, the University sits atop a rolling landscape overlooking the Appomattox River with expansive views of Petersburg. Our 231-acre campus boasts 11 residence halls, 18 academic buildings and a 412-acre agriculture research facility.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Agriculture, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Economics, Engineering, Management, Marketing Communications
Graduate Areas of Study: Computer Information Systems, Economics
Graduate Areas of Study: Computer Information Systems, Economics
Career center
Joseph Lyons, DIRECTOR
E: dpalm@vsu.edu
P: (804) 804 524-5654
W: http://www.vsu.edu/career-services/
E: dpalm@vsu.edu
P: (804) 804 524-5654
W: http://www.vsu.edu/career-services/