Ursuline College
Ursuline College is ranked consistently as the most affordable private college in the nation.
General Information
2550 Lander Rd. Pepper Pike, OH 44124
P: 440-646-8107
W: https://www.ursuline.edu/
W: https://www.ursuline.edu/
Kathryn LaFontana, Vice President of Academic Affairs
About Ursuline College
Ursuline College was founded in 1871 and is located in Pepper Pike, Ohio. with a little over 1,000 students enrolled. 50 percent are transfer students, and the women’s college is consistently ranked as the nation’s most affordable private college by the U.S. Department of Education. The school is rooted by values in intellectual inquiry and social responsibility.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Biochemistry, Business, Leadership and Management, Mathematics
Graduate Areas of Study: Masters, Business Administration
Graduate Areas of Study: Masters, Business Administration
Career center
Gerry Jenkins, Director of Counseling and Career Services
E: Kathryn.LaFontana@ursuline.edu
P: 440-646-8107
W: https://www.ursuline.edu/student-life/counseling-career-svcs/overview
E: Kathryn.LaFontana@ursuline.edu
P: 440-646-8107
W: https://www.ursuline.edu/student-life/counseling-career-svcs/overview