Trenholm State Technical College
Trenholm State Technical College is a community college in Montgomery, Alabama.
General Information
1225 Air Base Blvd. Montgomery, Alabama 36108
P: 334-420-4332
W: https://www.trenholmstate.edu/
W: https://www.trenholmstate.edu/
Dr. Gregory A. HudsonDean of Students
About Trenholm State Technical College
Trenholm State was established in 1963, and has grown to host a student body of over 1500. Students are offered many degree options, from Business Administration to Arts & Sciences degrees. The college aims to provide an accessible, high quality education to every one of their students. They work to achieve these goals through 13 core values, which can be found on their website.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Computer Science and Data Management
Career center
Mrs. Maria Richardson, BSM, MBAJob Placement & Follow-up Coordinator
E: ghudson@trenholmstate.edu
P: 334-420-4332
W: https://www.trenholmstate.edu/current-students/student-resources/career-center/
E: ghudson@trenholmstate.edu
P: 334-420-4332
W: https://www.trenholmstate.edu/current-students/student-resources/career-center/