Stillman College
Stillman College is a historically black liberal arts college, located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
General Information
3601 Stillman Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
P: 205 366-8831
W: https://stillman.edu/
W: https://stillman.edu/
Dr. Mark McCormick, Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs
205 366-8831
About Stillman College

Stillman College was established in 1876, and has since grown to a student body of over 600. Students can choose from three academic divisions, including the School of Arts & Sciences, the School of Business, and the School of Education.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Chemistry, Mathematics, Business
Career center
Tasha Washington Career Services Director
E: mmccormick@stillman.edu
P: 205 366-8831
W: https://stillman.edu/divisions/career-center/
E: mmccormick@stillman.edu
P: 205 366-8831
W: https://stillman.edu/divisions/career-center/