Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute is a tribal college established in 1971 serving tribes across the country.
General Information
9169 Coors NW Albuquerque, NM 87184
P: 922-4093
W: https://www.sipi.edu
W: https://www.sipi.edu
Dr. Cecelia Cometsevah-Director of SIPI Student Services
About Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Students at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute gain the skill sets and drive to become life-long learners.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Business, Environment, Geospatial Information Technology, Natural Resource Management, Network Administrator & Support, Engineering
Career center
Tawna Harrison - Guidance Counselor, Mechelle Crazy Thunder - Guidance Counselor
E: Cecelia.Cometsevah@bie.edu
P: 922-4093
W: https://www.sipi.edu/apps/pages/Career
E: Cecelia.Cometsevah@bie.edu
P: 922-4093
W: https://www.sipi.edu/apps/pages/Career