South Texas College
South Texas College is dedicated to the success and excellence of its students and is committed to equal opportunity no matter what their background.
General Information
3201 West Pecan Blvd. McAllen, TX 78501
P: 956-872-8339
W: https://www.southtexascollege.edu
W: https://www.southtexascollege.edu
Anahid Petrosian, Ph.D. Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs Chief Academic Officer
About South Texas College
South Texas College was founded in 1993 and is a public institution serving over 30,000 students. It is also a recognized Hispanic Serving Institution. It is the only community college in Texas that offers bachelor degrees as well
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Architecture, Business, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Communications, Community & Organizational Leadership, Information Systems, Computer Science and Data Management, Construction Management, Community & Organizational Leadership, Engineering, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Public Administration
Career center
Celinda E. PalaciosDir Career & Employer Svcs
E: anahid@southtexascollege.edu
P: 956-872-8339
W: https://studentservices.southtexascollege.edu/careerservices/index.html
E: anahid@southtexascollege.edu
P: 956-872-8339
W: https://studentservices.southtexascollege.edu/careerservices/index.html