South Florida State College
South Florida State College an open-access, higher education institution dedicated to providing a learning-centered environment through quality programs, training and services. Working in partnerships with organizations and communities, the College provides leadership and a comprehensive range of opportunities for the educational, cultural, and economic development of the service district.
General Information
W: http://www.southflorida.edu/
About South Florida State College
SFSC is advancing the community and the lives of its residents through education each and every day, with an expanded, four campus reach, 400+ caring and engaged faculty and staff members and a thriving student body. When SFSC’s first classes began on August 21, 1966, the college offered an associate in arts degree. Today, SFSC serves over 19,000 residents of Highlands, Hardee, and DeSoto counties. Students graduating with associate in arts degrees can concentrate in more than 60 fields of study. Students can earn an associate in science, an associate in applied sciences, or college credit or occupational certificates. t now offers 13 bachelor’s degree programs and three master’s degree programs through eight colleges and universities.
Areas of study
Career center
E: Valentines@southflorida.edu
P: 863-784-7121
W: http://www.southflorida.edu/current-students/career-development-center