South Carolina State University
South Carolina State University (SCSU or SC State) is a public historically black university in Orangeburg, South Carolina
General Information
300 College Street Northeast, Orangeburg, SC 29115
P: (803) 533-3776
W: http://www.scsu.edu/
W: http://www.scsu.edu/
Dr. Learie B. LukeInterim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
(803) 533-3776
About South Carolina State University
Founded in 1896, South Carolina State University has almost 3,000 students enrolled. The University offers a multitude of degree programs for students to choose from. SC State University is committed to providing affordable and accessible quality baccalaureate programs in the areas of business, applied professional sciences, mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, engineering technology, education, arts, and humanities.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Economics, Engineering, Management, Marketing Communications, Electrical Technology
Graduate Areas of Study: Business Administration
Graduate Areas of Study: Business Administration
Career center
Joseph Thomas, Director
E: lluke@scsu.edu
P: (803) 533-3776
W: http://www.scsu.edu/currentstudents/careercenter.aspx
E: lluke@scsu.edu
P: (803) 533-3776
W: http://www.scsu.edu/currentstudents/careercenter.aspx