Shaw University
Shaw University is a private Baptist liberal arts institution and historically black university in Raleigh, North Carolina.
General Information
118 E. South Street Raleigh, NC 27601
P: 919-546-8330 ext 8330
W: http://www.shawu.edu/
W: http://www.shawu.edu/
Renata Dusenbury, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs / Associate Professor-Biology
919-546-8330 ext 8330
About Shaw University
Established in 1865, Shaw University has since grown to host over 1,000 students. Students are able to choose between over 30 academic programs aimed to provide quality education no matter what each student chooses. Shaw University exists to advance knowledge, facilitate student learning and achievement, to enhance the spiritual and ethical values of its students, and to transform a diverse community of learners into future global leaders.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Marketing Communications, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management
Career center
E: rdusenbury@shawu.edu
P: 919-546-8330 ext 8330
W: http://www.shawu.edu/Students/Career_Services.aspx