San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino Community College District
Graduates of San Bernardino Valley College gain the confidence, knowledge, and skills to become leaders of the Inland Empire and the greater southern California area.
General Information
701 South Mount Vernon Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92410
P: 384-8992
W: https://www.valleycollege.edu
W: https://www.valleycollege.edu
Scott Thayer, Vice President of Student Services
About San Bernardino Valley College, San Bernardino Community College District
San Bernardino Valley College is a part of the Riverside Community College District and is a Hispanic Serving Institution. It was established in 1926, and is committed to its mission of providing access to quality education, resources, and guidance to first generation students.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Architecture, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Marketing Communications, Electric Utility Technology , Environment, GIS - Geographical Information Technology, Geology, Physics, Real Estate
Career center
Kathy Kafela, Transfer and Career Services Coordinator
E: sthayer@sbccd.cc.ca.us
P: 384-8992
W: https://www.valleycollege.edu/student-services/transfer-prep-services/
E: sthayer@sbccd.cc.ca.us
P: 384-8992
W: https://www.valleycollege.edu/student-services/transfer-prep-services/