Porterville College, Kern Community College District
Porterville College is a community college that aims to provide its students with the skills needed to be the best they can be, regardless of their circumstances.
General Information
100 E. College Avenue Porterville, CA 93257
P: 559-791-2316
W: https://www.portervillecollege.edu/
W: https://www.portervillecollege.edu/
William Henry President, Interim
About Porterville College, Kern Community College District
Porterville College is a part of the Kern Community College District and is also a Hispanic Serving Institution. Porterville College works with other organizations in order to provide the resources needed for any individual to achieve their dreams.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Agriculture and Agribusiness, Business, Computer Information Systems
Career center
Ashley Land, JEC Program Coordinator
E: bhenry@portervillecollege.edu
P: 559-791-2316
W: https://www.portervillecollege.edu/jec/career-center
E: bhenry@portervillecollege.edu
P: 559-791-2316
W: https://www.portervillecollege.edu/jec/career-center