Northern Essex Community College
With over 60 programs, two campuses in Haverhill and Lawrence, robust support services, and a vibrant student life, Northern Essex Community College is committed to providing an affordable, accessible, and high-quality education for all.
General Information
W: https://www.necc.mass.edu/
About Northern Essex Community College
Inspiring our students to succeed is our number one priority. Our dedicated faculty and staff help our students develop the skills they need to advance in the workforce or transfer to a four-year college or university. With over 60 programs, two campuses in Haverhill and Lawrence, robust support services, and a vibrant student life, we are committed to providing an affordable, accessible, and high-quality education for all. Established in 1961, NECC is an accredited, public two-year college that offers associate degrees and certificates of program completion to nearly 6,000 students per year. In addition, we offer over 100 noncredit courses for professional development, training to improve English language and other adult basic education skills, and life-long learning opportunities for all ages.
Areas of study
Career center
E: amoore@necc.mass.edu
P: 978-5563946
W: https://www.necc.mass.edu/succeed/career-services/