Northeast Lakeview College, Alamo College District
Northeast Lakeview College is ranked #12 by Learn.Org as a Recognized School, and selected by Study.com as one of the 50 best community colleges in the nation based on several factors including school data reported by the U.S. Department of Education, program offerings, and campus activities.
General Information
1201 Kitty Hawk Rd, Universal City, TX 78148
P: 210-486-5421
W: https://www.alamo.edu
W: https://www.alamo.edu
Dr. Debbie HamiltonVice President for Student Success
About Northeast Lakeview College, Alamo College District
Northeast Lakeview College is a public community college within the system of Alamo Colleges, established in partnership with its communities, that is focused on student success through the offering of Associate degrees and continuing education, promoting engagement in civic activities and organizations, and encouraging participation in cultural and enrichment programs.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Information Systems
Career center
Dr. Debbie Hamilton Vice President for Student Success
E: dhamilton@alamo.edu
P: 210-486-5421
W: https://www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/career-services/
E: dhamilton@alamo.edu
P: 210-486-5421
W: https://www.alamo.edu/nlc/academics/academic-resources/career-services/