Nebraska Indian Community College
Nebraska Indian College is a tribal college overseen by the Omaha and Santee Dakota Nations for the betterment of their community.
General Information
College Hill Macy, NE 68039
P: 402-494-2311 ext:126; 402-494-2311 ext:126
W: http://www.thenicc.edu/
W: http://www.thenicc.edu/
Alvin Parker, Student Services (AAR South Sioux City); Terri Grant (Santee Campus)
AParker@thenicc.edu; TGrant@thenicc.edu
402-494-2311 ext:126; 402-494-2311 ext:126
About Nebraska Indian Community College
Nebraska Indian College was established in and spans three campuses Today, the campus has a student population of around 300 students, with business is one of its most popular degrees. Their curriculum is mission driven, allowing students to demonstrate their self-sufficiency and creativity in a setting that also promotes their cultural identity.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Human Resource Management
Career center
Alvin Parker, Student Services (AAR South Sioux City); Terri Grant (Santee Campus)
E: AParker@thenicc.edu; TGrant@thenicc.edu
P: 402-494-2311 ext:126; 402-494-2311 ext:126
W: http://www.thenicc.edu/index.php/en/current-students/student-resources/87-nicc-pages/598-student-resources?highlight=WyJjYXJlZXIiXQ==
E: AParker@thenicc.edu; TGrant@thenicc.edu
P: 402-494-2311 ext:126; 402-494-2311 ext:126
W: http://www.thenicc.edu/index.php/en/current-students/student-resources/87-nicc-pages/598-student-resources?highlight=WyJjYXJlZXIiXQ==