Morehouse College
Morehouse College is a private, historically black men's college in Atlanta, Georgia.
General Information
830 Westview Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30314
P: 470-639-0362
W: http://www.morehouse.edu/
W: http://www.morehouse.edu/
Michael Hodge, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
About Morehouse College
Established in 1867, Morehouse college has over 2,000 students in attendance. Students are provided with 26 majors to choose from, and can earn either a Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science. The mission of Morehouse College is to develop men with disciplined minds who will lead lives of leadership and service.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study:Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering
Career center
Non-Business Majors (STEM), Humanities & Social Sciences Career Development and Engagement - Ms. Bridget Baggett, Mays Hall, Suite 200
E: Michael.hodge@morehouse.edu
P: 470-639-0362
W: http://www.morehouse.edu/student_life/careerdevelopment/
E: Michael.hodge@morehouse.edu
P: 470-639-0362
W: http://www.morehouse.edu/student_life/careerdevelopment/