Modesto Junior College
Modesto Junior College is not only preparing students for workplace advancement and higher educational achievement. They are committed to providing enriching services to its community.
General Information
435 College Avenue Modesto CA 95350
P: Office: (209) 575-6789
W: https://www.mjc.edu/
W: https://www.mjc.edu/
Vice President of Student ServicesDr. James Todd
Office: (209) 575-6789
About Modesto Junior College
Modesto Junior College is a Hispanic Serving Institution spanning across two campuses. It was founded in 1921 and is one of the oldest community colleges in the state. More than 18,000 students are enrolled today. Their Community Education program provides a sports and arts program to the county.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Agriculture & Agribusiness, Business, Computer Science and Data Management, Earth Science, GIS - Geographical Information Technology, Geology, Marketing Communications, Office Administration, Real Estate