Laredo Community College
Laredo College is a community college aimed at broadening the learning experiences of its students.
General Information
West End Washington Street Laredo, TX 78040
P: 956.721.5417
W: http://www.laredo.edu
W: http://www.laredo.edu
Robert L. Ochoa
Associate Vice President for Student Services
About Laredo Community College
The campus was established in 1947. Laredo College’s campus was originally a fort built to protect the town in its frontier days, and much of its history can be felt as one walks the grounds. Laredo College values are learning-centered to better provide for the local, state, and global community.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Architecture, Business, Computer Science and Data Management, Chemistry, Geology, GIS - Geographical Information Technology, Management
Career center
Academic & Career Advisors (South): Clarita Gonzalez, Arturo Guillen; (Ft. McIntosh) Gabriela Ramos, Mary C. Sosa, Liza Ramos, Gilbert Gonzalez
E: (rochoa@laredo.edu)
P: 956.721.5417
W: http://www.laredo.edu/cms/aca/
E: (rochoa@laredo.edu)
P: 956.721.5417
W: http://www.laredo.edu/cms/aca/