Joliet Junior College
Proudly recognized as the first community college in the United States, Joliet Junior College continues to set the example as an affordable, quality institution dedicated to student learning.
General Information
W: https://www.jjc.edu
About Joliet Junior College
From humble beginnings at Joliet Township High School to a collective six campuses and education centers that serve more than 38,000 students each year, JJC has been shaped by the community in which it resides. The halls echo with the footsteps of thousands of students that have benefitted from JJC’s student focused approach to education, from the industrial age of the 1900s to today’s technology-driven era. Innovative programs, engaging clubs and organizations and successful athletics programs have established JJC as an institution of first choice and continue to attract new generations of Wolves. JCC offers over 180 degrees and certifications.
Areas of study
Career center
E: yisaacs@jjc.edu
P: 815.280.6690
W: https://www.jjc.edu/student-resources/career-services