Howard University
Veritas et Utilitas. Excellence in truth and service is reflected in all that we do. The National Science Foundation has ranked Howard as the top producer of African-American undergraduates who later earn science and engineering doctoral degrees.
General Information
2400 Sixth Street NW Washington, DC 20059
P: 202-806-2550
W: https://home.howard.edu/
W: https://home.howard.edu/
Dr. Anthony K. Wutoh, Provost and Chief Academic Officer
About Howard University
Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private, research university comprised of 13 schools and colleges. Students pursue studies in more than 120 areas leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Engineering, Computer Science and Data Management, Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Finance, Mathematics, Marketing Communications, Management, Physics, Strategic Legal and Management Communication
Graduate Areas of Study: Business, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Mathematics
Graduate Areas of Study: Business, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Mathematics
Career center
Dr. Joan M. Browne Executive Director, Academic & Career Success, Office of Undergraduate Studies; Santina Huff, Administrative Assistant to Executive Director
E: awutoh@howard.edu
P: 202-806-2550
W: https://careerservices.howard.edu/
E: awutoh@howard.edu
P: 202-806-2550
W: https://careerservices.howard.edu/