Hillsborough Community College
The mission of Hillsborough Community College is to transform lives by providing open access to an exceptional teaching and learning environment that inspires students to contribute to the local community and global society.
General Information
1206 N Park Rd, Plant City, FL 33563
P: (813)253-7050
W: https://www.hccfl.edu/
W: https://www.hccfl.edu/
Dr. Ken Atwater, President
About Hillsborough Community College
Founded in 1968 as a part of the 28-member Florida College System, Hillsborough Community College is dedicated to creating an engaging learning environment. HCC educates more than 47,000 students each year, and our more than 190 academic options are supported by more than 2,200 dedicated faculty and staff members wholly-focused on student success.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Agriculture and Agribusiness, Architecture, Business, Construction Management, Computer Science and Data Management, Engineering, Environment, Industrial Management Technology, Network Administrator & Support, Office Administration
Career center
Brandon: Carmen Kimpson - CRC Manager; Dale Mabry:Lorraine Canalejo - CRC Manager; Plant City: Nicole Hamilton - CRC Manager; SouthShore: Fauna Keppen- Job Placement Assistant; Ybor City Campus: Alisa Keaton - CRC Manager
E: katwater@hccfl.edu
P: (813)253-7050
W: https://www.hccfl.edu/ssem/careers.aspx
E: katwater@hccfl.edu
P: (813)253-7050
W: https://www.hccfl.edu/ssem/careers.aspx