Hampton University
Hampton University is nestled along the banks of the Virginia Peninsula, near the mouth of the Chesapeake BayWhile our roots reach deep into the history of this nation and the African-American experience, our sights – like yours – are set squarely on the horizons of the global community of the 21st century.
General Information
100 E Queen St. Hampton, VA 23669
P: 757.727.5201
W: http://www.hamptonu.edu/
W: http://www.hamptonu.edu/
Dr. JoAnn W. Haysbert, Chancellor and Provost
About Hampton University
Rich in history, steeped in tradition, Hampton University is a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education, providing a broad range of technical, liberal arts, and graduate degree programs. In addition to being one of the top historically black universities in the world, Hampton University is a tightly-knit community of learners and educators, representing 49 states and 35 territories and nations.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Engineering, Computer Science and Data Management, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing Communications
Graduate Areas of Study: Architecture, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Nuclear Physics
Graduate Areas of Study: Architecture, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Environmental Science and Natural Resources, Nuclear Physics
Career center
Vivian Wrenn David, Director; Bessie Willis, Assistant Director and Coordinator, Internships & Cooperative Education
E: joann.haysbert@hamptonu.edu
P: 757.727.5201
W: http://www.hamptonu.edu/studentservices/careercenter/
E: joann.haysbert@hamptonu.edu
P: 757.727.5201
W: http://www.hamptonu.edu/studentservices/careercenter/