Fort Peck Community College
Fort Peck Tribal Community College is a tribal college established in 1977 by the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes.
General Information
605 Indian Street Poplar, MT 59255
P: (406) 768-6371
W: http://www.fpcc.edu
W: http://www.fpcc.edu
Elijah Hopkins, VP of Student Services
(406) 768-6371
About Fort Peck Community College
Fort Peck Tribal Community College is committed to bringing higher education to their community, and work closely to uplift students and provide them with quality access. The college promotes personal development by promoting cultural identity as the forward their careers.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Environment, Engineering
Career center
Elijah Hopkins, VP of Student Services
E: EHopkins@fpcc.edu
P: (406) 768-6371
W: http://www.fpcc.edu/students/student-services/
E: EHopkins@fpcc.edu
P: (406) 768-6371
W: http://www.fpcc.edu/students/student-services/