Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville State University is a historically black public regional university in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
General Information
1200 Murchison Road Fayetteville, NC 28301
P: 9106721460
W: https://www.uncfsu.edu
W: https://www.uncfsu.edu
Pamela Jackson, TitleProvost and VC for Academic Affairs
About Fayetteville State University

Founded in 1867, Fayetteville State University is home to over 6,000 students. The university offers Bachelor’s degrees in 43 areas, Master’s degrees in 23 areas, and one doctoral degree in educational leadership. The primary mission of FSU is to provide students with the highest quality learning experiences that will produce global citizens and leaders as change agents for shaping the future of the State.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Chemistry, Marketing Communications, GIS Geographical Information Technology, Computer Science and Data Management
Career center
Kendra Y Haywood, Director of Career Services (Interim)Career Services Center; Daisy Osborn, Assistant Director
E: pjackson@uncfsu.edu
P: 9106721460
W: https://www.uncfsu.edu/life-fsu/student-services-and-organizations/career-services
E: pjackson@uncfsu.edu
P: 9106721460
W: https://www.uncfsu.edu/life-fsu/student-services-and-organizations/career-services