Essex County College
Essex County College is an open access community college that serves the diverse needs of students through comprehensive educational programs, training, and continuing education. Essex County College is dedicated to academic excellence and the success of its students.
General Information
303 University Ave, Newark, NJ 07102
P: ext 3209
W: http://www.essex.edu
W: http://www.essex.edu
Patricia Slade, Associate Dean, Student Life & Development
ext 3209
About Essex County College
We welcome students from 53 different countries across five continents. More than half of our students receive some sort of financial aid, and we’ve been designated as a military friendly college. ECC is attended by Ivy League graduates and Olympians, and it’s also attended by community members looking to learn some new skills. Whatever your goal, ECC is here to help you reach it.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Architecture, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Environment, Finance, Engineering, Electronic Engineering Technology, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Network Administrator & Support
Career center
Dr. S. Aisha Steplight Johnson, Director of Student Development and Career Services
E: slade@essex.edu
P: ext 3209
W: http://www.essex.edu/student-development-counseling/
E: slade@essex.edu
P: ext 3209
W: http://www.essex.edu/student-development-counseling/