Denmark Technical College
Denmark Technical College is a two-year college in Denmark, South Carolina.
General Information
1126 Solomon Blatt Blvd., Denmark, SC, 29042
P: (803)793-5242
W: http://www.denmarktech.edu/
W: http://www.denmarktech.edu/
About Denmark Technical College
Founded in 1947, Denmark Technical College has a student body of over 500. The college offers various associates degrees and certifications. The mission of Denmark Technical College is to provide an affordable, high-quality education with a personal touch.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Computer Science and Data Management, Electronics Technology
Career center
Mrs. Holman-Brooks CDF, MA, M.Ed., Director of Career Planning and Placement
P: (803)793-5242
W: http://www.denmarktech.edu/?page_id=4074
P: (803)793-5242
W: http://www.denmarktech.edu/?page_id=4074