College of St. Mary
College of St. Mary is a women's college founded in 1923 on principles of integrity and excellence.
General Information
7000 Mercy Road Omaha, NE 68106
P: 402-399-2334
W: http://www.csm.edu/
W: http://www.csm.edu/
Sarah Kottich, Ed.D., MSN, RN
Executive Vice President for Operations and Planning
Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs
About College of St. Mary
College of St. Mary aims to empower the working women looking for an education while working. There are a total of 1,100 students enrolled, with 100 percent receiving financial aid. Their Mothers Living and Learning known for making a difference in the lives of single mothers by providing resources and flexible schedules.alize their truest potential, no matter their circumstance.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Chemistry
Career center
Michelle Perone, Director of Career and Financial Literacy Programs
E: skottich@csm.edu
P: 402-399-2334
W: http://www.csm.edu/student-life/student-support/career-services
E: skottich@csm.edu
P: 402-399-2334
W: http://www.csm.edu/student-life/student-support/career-services