Citrus College
Citrus College is a two-year institution that prepares students for a professional and personal success by emphasizing critical thinking, effective communication, and cultural awareness.
General Information
1000 W. Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741
P: (626) 914-8534
W: http://www.citruscollege.edu/
W: http://www.citruscollege.edu/
Dr. Martha McDonald
Vice President of Student Services
(626) 914-8534
About Citrus College
Citrus College is a Hispanic Serving Institution located in Glendora, California. It was voted #1 in the nation for awarding associate degrees in multidisciplinary studies to Hispanic students by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education magazine.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Architecture, Business, Engineering, Design & Engineering Drawing Technology, Public Works
Career center
E: mmcdonald@citruscollege.edu
P: (626) 914-8534
W: http://www.citruscollege.edu/stdntsrv/ctcenter/Pages/default.aspx