Broward College
Broward College is ranked as one of the top state / community colleges in the nation by the Aspen Institute. Our mission is transforming students' lives and enriching our diverse community through academic excellence, innovation, and meaningful career opportunities.
General Information
111 East Las Olas Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
P: 954-201-6356; 954-201-2310; 954-201-8407
W: http://www.broward.edu/
W: http://www.broward.edu/
Central Campus: Toni CrooksCoordinator of Student Success; North Campus: Alicia Smith WrobleCoordinator of Student Success; South Campus: Roslyn Bailey-OddmanManager of Student Affairs/Student Success
tcrooks@broward.edu; asmith@broward.edu; rbailey2@broward.edu
954-201-6356; 954-201-2310; 954-201-8407
About Broward College
Our mission at Broward College is to transform lives and enrich our diverse community through academic excellence, innovation, and meaningful career opportunities. We believe higher education is pivotal in improving lives and should be accessible and affordable to everyone; whether you’re a traditional student or a non-traditional student, a first-generation in college student or a student from an underserved community.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Business, Computer Science and Data Management, Engineering Technology, Construction Management, Environment, Network Administrator & Support, Marketing Communications, Office Administration
Career center
Central Campus: Autumn WhitfieldSr. Career Center Specialist; North Campus: Heidi SchwarzSr. Career Center Specialist; South Campus: Caron Delancy-SimardSr. Career Center Specialist
E: tcrooks@broward.edu; asmith@broward.edu; rbailey2@broward.edu
P: 954-201-6356; 954-201-2310; 954-201-8407
W: http://www.broward.edu/studentresources/career/Pages/default.aspx
E: tcrooks@broward.edu; asmith@broward.edu; rbailey2@broward.edu
P: 954-201-6356; 954-201-2310; 954-201-8407
W: http://www.broward.edu/studentresources/career/Pages/default.aspx