Benedict College
Benedict College is a four-year historically black, liberal arts college located in Columbia, South Carolina.
General Information
1600 Harden Street Columbia, SC 29204
P: 803-705-4787
W: https://cpislp.benedict.edu/
W: https://cpislp.benedict.edu/
Ms. Wanda Scott-Kinney - Director/Registrar
About Benedict College
Founded in 1870, Benedict College has over 2,000 students enrolled. Benedict offers 29 degrees from 12 departments. According to their mission statement, Benedict College will provide transformative learning experiences. characterized by high quality academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular programming, intentionally designed to develop superior cultural and professional competencies for a diverse student body.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Environment, Finance, Marketing Communications
Career center
Tondaleya JacksonExecutive Director of Benedict College's Career Pathways Initiative and Service-Learning Program (CPISLP)
E: Wanda.Scottkinney@Benedict.edu
P: 803-705-4787
W: https://cpislp.benedict.edu/career-pathways/
E: Wanda.Scottkinney@Benedict.edu
P: 803-705-4787
W: https://cpislp.benedict.edu/career-pathways/