Alcorn State University
Alcorn State University is a public, historically black, comprehensive, land-grant institution in Claiborne County, Mississippi
General Information
1000 ASU DriveLorman, Mississippi 39096
P: 601.877.6140
W: https://www.alcorn.edu/
W: https://www.alcorn.edu/
Dr. John Igwebuike
Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
About Alcorn State University
Established in 1871, Alcorn State University is home to almost 4,000 students. The university has seven schools, offering more than 50 different fields of study. The University emphasizes intellectual development and lifelong learning through the integration of diverse pedagogies, applied and basic research, cultural and professional programs, public service and outreach, while providing access to globally competitive academic and research programs.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Marketing Communications
Graduate Areas of Study: Business Administration
Graduate Areas of Study: Business Administration
Career center
Joey J. Mitchell, DPC, Director of Career Services
E: jigwe@alcorn.edu
P: 601.877.6140
W: https://www.alcorn.edu/academics/student-affairs/career-services
E: jigwe@alcorn.edu
P: 601.877.6140
W: https://www.alcorn.edu/academics/student-affairs/career-services