Texas State University
Located near the San Marcos River, Texas State University is a hilly, picturesque academic setting for its diverse student population.
General Information
601 University Drive San Marcos, TX 78666
P: 512.245.2205
W: https://www.txstate.edu/
W: https://www.txstate.edu/
Gene BourgeoisProvost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
About Texas State University
Texas State University is an institution providing academic programs to over 38,000 students; it is also a nationally recognized Hispanic Serving Institution
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Chemistry, Business
Graduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Engineering, Geospatial Sciences, Communications, Environmental Science & Natural Resources
Graduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Information Systems, Engineering, Geospatial Sciences, Communications, Environmental Science & Natural Resources
Career center
Summer Salazar Assistant Director, Employer Relations & Outreach
E: eb04@txstate.edu
P: 512.245.2205
W: https://www.careerservices.txstate.edu/
E: eb04@txstate.edu
P: 512.245.2205
W: https://www.careerservices.txstate.edu/