Texas Lutheran University
Texas Lutheran University is located in Sequin, Texas, one of the oldest towns in the state.
General Information
1000 West Court Street, Seguin, Texas 78155
P: 830-372-8002
W: http://www.tlu.edu
W: http://www.tlu.edu
Dr. Debbie Cottrell, Vice President of Academic Affairs
About Texas Lutheran University
Texas Lutheran University was founded in 1891. It is a private, four-year university and Hispanic Serving Institution.
Areas of study
Undergraduate Areas of Study: Business, Chemistry, Computer Science and Data Management, Environment, Finance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing Communications
Graduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Computer Information Systems
Graduate Areas of Study: Accounting, Computer Information Systems
Career center
Breane Navarro
Employer Relations and Internship Coordinator
E: dcottrell@tlu.edu
P: 830-372-8002
W: http://www.tlu.edu/student-life/career-development/
E: dcottrell@tlu.edu
P: 830-372-8002
W: http://www.tlu.edu/student-life/career-development/