Dalton State College
Dalton State College provides a diverse student population with opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to attain affordable baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees, and certificates and to reach their personal and professional goals.
General Information
W: https://www.daltonstate.edu
About Dalton State College
Founded in 1963, Dalton State College is dedicated to providing broad access to quality higher education for the population of Northwest Georgia, thereby enhancing the region’s economic vitality and quality of life. As an institution of the University System of Georgia, Dalton State College offers targeted bachelor’s degrees, a full range of associate’s degrees and career certificate programs, and a wide variety of public service activities. The College’s work is strengthened by partnerships between the College and Northwest Georgia businesses and industries, governments, and schools.
Areas of study
Career center
E: jhall@daltonstate.edu
P: 706-272-2505
W: https://www.daltonstate.edu/campus_life/career-mission.cms